EDEN School

Evolem and Evolem Citoyen are the founding patrons of EDEN School, the first and only centre in France to train pupils who have finished Year 10/ninth grade in programming. As an inclusive training centre, it is open to all those who are keen to take the course. In Paris and in Villeurbanne
See the website
Logo d'Eden School

Young people aged 14 to 18

Support Channel

Evolem Citoyen

Location / Territory
Villeurbanne, Paris

The first and only digital training centre for under 18s in France, EDEN School offers a 2-year course to become web and mobile web assistant programmers after Year 10/ninth grade. It opened its doors in 2017 in Villeurbanne and a second centre opened in Paris in 2019.
The training draws on three cornerstones of teaching: techniques (web development and project management); academic subjects (French, maths, history/geography and sport); and personal development (self awareness and esteem, communications and inter-personal skills, company codes, cooperation and creativity).
At EDEN School, an inclusive centre open to all, only one criteria matters: motivation and the drive to train in this profession of the future. The teaching approach (active and differentiated learning) enables everyone to be supported, regardless of their academic experience or learning difficulties.
This centre facilitates access to a career in programming as early as the end of Year 10/9th grade or Year 11/10th grade. The tuition fees are not excessive (€1,500 maximum per year) and on a sliding scale down to zero, depending on household allowance.

Connected to the world of work, our students are mentored by digital professionals and spend part of their time working on customer projects in order to address and adapt to companies’ requirements as well as those of young people.
This course rounds off our digital training provision in France by offering a vocational qualification (no existing state-awarded diplomas or professional qualifications). The level IV web and mobile web assistant programmer professional qualification is currently being registered with France Compétences.