Member of the Supervisory Board

Career path
Passionate about using digital technology to help companies develop, I worked for some twenty years in technology and at the APRIL Group, before joining the family office established by my father, Bruno Rousset.
In a few words
I like to build and unite teams around a common project based on strong convictions to produce a positive impact on our society.
I had been gravitating around Evolem for some ten years, but it was a family philanthropic project, initiated in 2018 by Bruno Rousset, which brought me closer to the family business. What we achieved in this project was a real revelation for me about our ability to push the boundaries through a commitment which is both community-led and shareholder-led.
In 2020 I therefore took over the chair of the family office to continue the work of this founding father, paying close attention to the Rousset family’s wishes and our societal impact.